Monday, January 02, 2006

More Like Guidelines, Really

Hey All, since we have had an influx of new members, and more to come, I am posting the few rules we agreed to when we started the group!

1)Members take turns picking books. They will offer 3 selections and the group votes for the one they would like to read.

2)No Romance Novels/Bodice Ripper/Erotica, No Books on Religion, No Books on Politics (We decided romance novels were just too fluffy for good book discussion. And Religious and political beliefs were too personal)

3)The person who picked the book will lead the discussion and pick the venue for the meeting.

4)We meet the 2nd Sunday of the month at 6pm. Sometimes we reschedule for holidays.

5)No children/pets at meetings because of the distraction factor.

6)We start on time. (Err...we arent too good at this rule...but theoretically if you are late we reserve the right to have already started :-)

7) No side discussions/talking while the main book discussion is going(Err....lets work on this one too :-)

8)Ladies only (We thought we would be freer to talk about some things. And honestly, in 2 years, I have only had one inquiry from a guy, and he was looking to meet women not read books. At least - thats what he told me in his email :)